Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Final Blog Entry: Top 10

10. Creating compelling videos - I believe that videos are more compelling in a way in which there is the sound and visual both incorporated. Knowing how to concisely illustrate the message within a brief commercial has been challenging but has helped me be more succinct in my communication

9. Click Click - Taking pictures: I love photography and have done some before without knowing how to create compelling photographs. This course has helped me to know more about the structure and compelling aspects of taking pictures. Now that I take pictures, I know more about angles, perspectives, patterns, etc..

8. Technology - Technology seemed to have become key in terms of designing compelling experiences for the new  generation of millennial. I learned to utilize several software and hardware that I was not used to prior to this course. These skills will definitely be helpful in my job search.

7. Environmental aspects - It is good to know what is in our environment to be able to utilize it in a more effective way. For instance, whether we are utilizing interior design  or architectural concepts, either methods may be implemented in a more effective way to create  a better learning environment for college students. This way, students will feel more comfortable learning in "safer" spaces.

6. Music - I don't know how to read music notes nor have I studied music in the past. But what had made an impact on me is the "hook." This concept made me realize why I (or others) tend to like music that much even though we never really were classically trained for it. The hook is really what makes us more interested in hearing more about the song/melody.

5. Student Engagement - In certain interactions with students, we tend to be very self-centered in our content delivery whether we are teaching or advising students on a one-on-one basis. In order to make it more compelling, we ought to engage them and seek different ways of keeping them entertained. This can certainly be done through small group activities and ice breakers among the students while intentionally maintaining the adequate content.

4. Research -  In order to create compelling experiences, we ought to do some research in order to know what is being innovative. We can seek new ways of being compelling and tweak what is already being done to match the needs of the students we're working with.

3. Assessment - How are we going to know whether a student experience is compelling or not? The only way to measure the level of effectiveness is through evaluation and assessment. This way, students can provide feedback on how they believe the content delivery can be more compelling.

2. Creativity - This concept plays an important role in knowing different means of implementing compelling experiences. Without creativity in developing compelling experiences, these experience may not be compelling.

1. Be yourself - I believe that all of us are individuals and that we all bring our own personal touch and contributions. In creating these compelling experiences, we ought to stay true to ourselves while digging deep into our creative minds.

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